School Assembly Programs

California school assemblies with a variety of positive messages

California school assemblies you can trust.

Perfection on Wheels is dedicated to providing the most thrilling, exciting, educational school assembly programs for any of your assembly needs. We can deliver a variety of positive messages throughout the program. Our BMX stunt athletes are true professional presenters who love their work.

Our California school assemblies offer a great line up of messages to educate and entertain your students. These type of school assemblies are available in California that deliver any number of important memorable messages to your school. Currently we have messages that include: Anti-Bullying - Character Building - Drug and Alcohol Awareness, or Red Ribbon Week school Assembly. We even offer school presentations as a student Award.

  • California Red RibbonWeek Assemblies


Bmx Pros Trick Team provids California school assemblies that always capture students’ attention!

That’s why for 20 years, our programs have wowed and educated students of all ages on the importance of a safe, energetic and drug-free lifestyle without sacrificing thrills.

We want to be absolutely sure that any one of the assemblies you choose will be educational and captivating. We are so confident that this assembly will be a hit, that we are offering a


california school assemblies

Part of being on our team is

understanding the responsibility of being a role model. During all of our assemblies we talk to students about living a healthly, drug free life style and following your dreams. Students definitely connect with us better than other programs because we are actually living our dreams.See a show live

Why Perfection on Wheels

Woody Itson & Perfection on WheelsPerfection on Wheels / BMX Pros Trick Team1. At Perfection On Wheels we realize educating your students is job number one. Our educational school assemblies are written to not only engage and capture your students imaginations, but to educate them in the process as well. We are a proud member of CEP (Character Education Partnership) which is one of many steps we have taken as a company to make sure we can deliver a positive and entertaining assembly for your school. Our riders are positive role models who use their amazing BMX talents to spread the word that school is cool.

School asembly ideas with Back stage pass included, This is a school assembly nobody will forget.2. We offer peripheral marketing materials to help you not only get your school ready for the best school assembly program they have ever had, but also to help motivate your students strive to be thier personal best. We offer promotional CD's, t-shirts, hallway posters, and back stage passes for the students who go the extra mile to achieve excellence.

BMX Pros Trick Team Half Pipe thats sets up in 1 hour and is also available as a halfpip rental. 3. We have a brand new, attention grabbing, old school meets new school look on both our ramp trailers and uniforms. You only get one chance to make a great first impression. The moment we pull up to your school you will automatically know you made the right decision.

Woody Itson & Perfection on WheelsPerfection on Wheels / BMX Pros Trick Team4. Finally, we offer professionalism that is unmatched
Our state of the art Web-Site will allow you to book your assembly directly online, saving you precious time. You will receive an automatic 3 day reminder confirming your assembly is just around the corner. It also allows you to print your invoice and W-9 directly online for accounting purposes. Our goal is to give you the best assembly experience you have ever had, from start to finish, with the least amount of effort.

Comment worth reading
Westwood Elementary

Dear Perfection on Wheels,
Our school absolutely loved the performance and the message that was delivered during our Red Ribbon Week conclusion celebration assembly! The students, staff and parents couldn't take their eyes off the stunts and tricks being performed throughout the entire show.

We have had this type of assembly, several years ago, but with another company. After the show, I had several teachers and staff indicate that they enjoyed Perfection on Wheels more than the last performance. The message and the delivery of that message was perfect. Bike safety, keeping our bodies healthy and free from drugs, and following your dreams. I also wanted to express just how easy the process was from start to finish. The information on the web site answered 99% of our questions. Scheduling from the web site was uncomplicated and fast. Then the email confirmations and reminders were helpful. The crew's punctuality, efficiency, professionalism and talent was fantastic. Thank you again for such a great assembly.

Steph Kent, Westwood Elementary-Concord, CA
Cottage Hill Elementary

Wow...and wow again! What a show!
I wanted to find something different for RED RIBBON WEEK this year. Something that emphasized health, fun and the need to be drug and alcohol free! I went on-line and found your site. I must admit that I was slightly apprehensive to sign on...not knowing anyone that has used you. This was worth the gamble and more. What a perfect ending to RED RIBBON WEEK! After performing a fairly advanced trick the stunt rider put the microphone to his chest. You could h ear every beat of his heart, while he gasped for air. "Do you think that I could perform such a trick if I took drugs and drank and didn't exercise", said the rider. That moment has stuck with us all. He than emphasized the need to be healthy and cherish your bodies. GREAT and great again. The riders were professional, approachable, humorous, and educational. I would recommend this show to anyone and any age. Please see attached pictures. The children's faces in the background speak volumes. I have many pictures from this show and would love to send them to your bikers but have lost the e-mail address they gave me. Please have them e-mail me if they would like additional photos.

Jaynee Pospisil Hubacz, Cottage Hill Elementary - Auburn, CA
Lake County Health Services

Dear Perfection on Wheels and Staff:
I just wanted to take a moment to thank you again for your terrific shows here in Lake County. I also wanted to let you know that you directly contributed to saving a boy’s life. During the show you did at Pomo School, we gave away four bike helmets. One of the helmet recipients was a fifth grader who had never worn a helmet. Because of the show and the “cool” helmet, he started wearing it every time he rode his bike. About two weeks after the show. He was involved in a car vs. bike accident. He sustained facial fractures, but because he was wearing his helmet, his head injuries were minor. The doctors as U.C Davis told him that the helmet probably saved his life.

Thank you so much for a job well done! You’re Program made a big difference in the boy’s life.

Marta Fuller, RN - Lake County Health Services Department

Booking a show with perfection on wheels

We offer great customer service along with the best web based scheduling system ever made. We have made booking very easy. Everything can be done right here online.

How booking works with us:

  • Create an account.
  • Requests a date(s)& time.
  • Select the type of show.
  • After that . . we will contact you.

Meet our customer service team !

Bill Vivers & Gretchen Bergman are here to help you with all your booking needs.

Call Today! (800) 650-2453 (Bike)
Extension 38
Extension 37


Perfection on Wheels Staff Members Bill Vivers and Gretchen Bergman our here to help schedule your next School Assembly Presentation
Pricing for school assembly programssee detailsarrow



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More and more and more good stuff . . .

Professional equipment

Quarter pipes & half pipes

Below is a photo of one of 5 touring rigs we have nation wide. Each show includes two ramps, which are now available in most areas. Fresh graphics and heavy duty towing vehicles help us get to you.

School assembly Idea Provided by Perfection on Wheels BMX Stunt Team Pictured is our Quater pipe.

Nationwide availability

We cover most of the USA

With team presenters positioned throughout the USA, it's much easier to coordinate your schedule and requests. You would not believe where we have been
check this out!arrow

School Assembliy Programs Nation wide performed by Perfection on Wheels

Corporate entertainment

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Corporate intertainment by BMX Pros Trick Team and Perfection on Wheels