Character counts coalition

A Character Assembly Program that Focuses on the Importance of Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship.

Character education in schools can reduce many of the most concerning issues in education while developing a positive and safe environment for students. However, In order for character education to be successful, everyone must be involved. This includes schools, faculty, parents, and community members.

Let's face it, Students don't want to hear boring lectures! A Perfection On Wheels' BMX Stunt Show is an exciting and engaging school assembly program that ensures students will listen and learn during the exciting show performance. The Pro BMX stunt athletes give students positive messages during an energetic and action-packed performance of incredible bmx tricks and stunts your students will love!

BMX Bike Shows are exciting, effective, and proven to wow and educate your students. We've been endorsed by thousands of schools, public health agencies, and police departments. We also get a "big thumbs up" from corporate clients like Microsoft, AAA, Pepsi Cola, and GT Bicycles.

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Character Assembly program

A character building school assembly program is one component to help your school be effective in promoting a positive and safe academic environment for students. Perfection on Wheels BMX assembly program is a great way to support your involvement in promoting good character.