What is Red Ribbon Week about

What is Red Ribbon Week

Here is some background & history about Red Ribbon Week. Everyone is asking . . What is Red Ribbon week

I have met agent Camarenas' son and we have done a few school assemblies together in CA. I do get a lot of questions from the schools "What is Red Ribbon Week" and about Red Ribbon Week and how did it all start. So I gathered as much information about Red Ribbon Week as I could to help answer that question. Today many schools nationwide, celebrate Red Ribbon Week with lots of activities, assemblies and contests. This has become a week to really focus on awareness of being "drug free".

What is Red Ribbon Week by Perfection on Wheels

The history of what is Red Ribbon Week about?

Here is some simple facts about what Red Ribbon Week is all about:

What is Red Ribbon Week all about? It's a week set aside where schools focus on teaching kids about being drug free. Its was founded on the efforts of a man named Enrique Camarena.

The annual celebration of National Red Ribbon week starts today, with communities and students across America committing themselves to living drug-free lives. It is very appropriate for the men and women of the Drug Enforcement Administration of our children, and to commemorate the ultimate sacrifice made by Special Agent Enrique (Kiki) Camarena on our behalf. I hope this helps you get an idea on what Red Ribbon Week is all about.

Red Ribbon Week Braclett

National Red Ribbon week assemblies serve as a tribute to Special Agent Camarena, who was kidnapped and brutally tortured and murdered by drug traffickers in Mexico. This tragic event produced an immediate outpouring of grief, but over time has generated a sense of hope across America. That hope is being kept alive through the hard work of thousands of Americans ---particularly our young people who participate in Red Ribbon events during the last week in October. This tradition is stronger than ever today, as an increasing number of Americans are saying "yes" to a drug-free life. So for more information about "what Red Ribbon Week is all about" goto: What about Red Ribbon Week and its history.

Red Ribbon Week is the most far-reaching and well-known drug prevention event in America. The National Family Partnership, which coordinates Red Ribbon activities nationally, estimates that over 80 million Americans participate in Red Ribbon Week assemblies & events. It’s also a chance for DEA to show our support for citizens throughout the United States who support our efforts to keep communities free from the ravages of drug trafficking and drug abuse.

What is Red Ribbon Week By Perfection on Wheels Red Ribbon Week School Assemblies

Please join me this week in wearing a Red Ribbon to affirm our commitment to drug prevention and education, and to honor the memory of Kiki Camarena. I also ask you to take time to talk to your families, your neighbors and your communities about Red Ribbon Week and living a drug-free lifestyle. I am also asking supervisors to encourage their employees to spread this message of hope with their children's' schools, their churches and synagogues, and businesses in their communities. Employees may obtain materials and ribbons from Demand Reduction at Headquarters, and from Demand Reduction coordinators in DEA Field Divisions.

This is a great opportunity for all of us to send a clear and unequivocal message that drugs damage lives whether it is through lost productivity, unfulfilled dreams, drugged driving incidents, or addiction. And it’s a chance for us to show that Kiki Camarena's spirit and hope for a drug-free America can never be extinguished.

I hope all of this information helps you understand what is Red Ribbon Week.


Here is a quick video to help you get a feel for the excitement our program has to offer.